Spices and herbs have long been used for medicinal and magical purposes. Many were used this way long before they were used for culinary purposes. Looking back at the history of spices and herbs, some uses seem absurd, while others are now being scientifically proven to be legitimate therapies and cures. One of our favorite parts of the storied history of herbs and spices is the naming that has occurred through the years. Below are some of our favorite 'witch' names for herbs and spices. To see more names click here
Fenugreek- Birds Foot or Cows Horn
Chamomile- Blood of Hestia
Calendula- Bride of the Sun
Basil- Devil Plant
Asafoetida- Devil's Dung
Rosemary- Dew of the Sea
Tarragon- Little dragon
Garlic- Poor Man's Treacle
Dill Juice- Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon